Friday, 16 November 2012

No-Bake Bake

So fourth year is hectic but I have joined a baking society. Every Thursday I bake to a theme, take along said baked goods to the meeting, chat and eat cake and its brilliant. This week's theme was no bake week. Initially I was very un-inspired   not being able to think past rocky road or cheesecake, however, my mum made honeycomb last week, and so the idea struck me. Its wonderfully, easy, quick and uses five ingredients. I am determined to make more, lots more. 

1. Try not to stir the golden syrup, butter and sugar mixture in the pan, try to gently swirl instead. 
2. The honeycomb may not puff up very much when the bicarb is added but it will still be lovely 
3. The darker you leave the caramel to turn in the pan, the chewier and darker the honeycomb will be
4. As soon as the honeycomb is set, break up and store in an airtight container, otherwise the honeycomb will turn sticky and soften

Here it is, the honeycomb recipe courtesy of Lorraine Pascal
  • 1tbsp vegetable oil, for oiling baking tray
    80g/3oz butter
    160g/5½oz caster sugar
    80g/3oz golden syrup
    2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

    1. Grease a 20cm/8in square baking tin with vegetable oil.
    2. Gently heat the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a large heavy-based pan until the sugar has dissolved. 
    3. Turn up the heat and boil rapidly, without stirring. If the mixture goes darker at one side of the mix, then gently swirl the pan to mix it all together. Keep boiling until the mixture goes a golden-brown colour – this will take about 5 minutes.
    4. Add the bicarbonate of soda and stir it for a few seconds, which will make the mixture expand and fizz (take care, the mixture will expand a lot). Tip the honeycomb into the oiled baking tin and leave until cold and set.
    5. To serve, cut the honeycomb into pieces and stir into ice creams or decorate puddings. You can put the honeycomb in a food processor and sprinkle it over desserts.

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